
I'm an artist but I do a lot of writing and crafting as well. My illustrative style is influenced by eastern and western comic art. As a product of the 1980s growing up in Los Angeles, I was introduced to comics just as the Bronze Age was coming to a close. I primarily read and collected Marvel, Jademan and Eclipse Comics — the latter having introduced me to manga.

Japanese comics have been the most influential medium on my development as an illustrator, and if nothing else I am a manga-influenced comic artist.

Illustration is my first and greatest passion, and it serves as a conjunction for all my other interests. Video games, trading card games, martial arts, pro wrestling, movies and Dungeons & Dragons supplement and inspire the work I produce on a daily basis.

Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.
— Jordan B. Peterson, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos